The Rotation Log and a Rotation Summary for each rotation enable students, preceptors, and administrators to track clinical activities in real time. Each Clinical Presentation, Procedure, Clinical Skill, and OMM item are automatically fulfilled (checked off) via qualified Patient Encounter entries. Students may also check off items and provide justification interactively. At the end of a rotation, preceptors have this information available to them while completing their Evaluation.

Your Clinical Activities

Your clinical experiences of diagnoses and procedures are quantified below. The percentages and progress bars correspond to your coverage of what may be seen within ; you may not encounter every diagnosis and procedure on every rotation. The first number in square brackets and top progress bar in each section represent codes/patients logged and percent completion within only; the second number in square brackets and bottom progress bar in each section represent codes/patients logged and percent completion in/across all rotations for which you’ve logged, including . Hover over the code or progress bar indicators for more details.

For Procedure Logs, you’ve completed % ( of ) clinical activities within the rotation, % ( of ) based on all rotations, with [ / ] DIAG, [ / ] PROC, and [ / ] DRUG entries across [ / ] Patients.

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