My Rotation Performance Metrics

This table shows the breadth of what you've seen on your rotations relative to other users in the system. In each column, the first grey block shows the number of patients cared for and codes logged by type. An up/down chevron icon indicates that your total is above/below the average among other students in that rotation; a double up/down chevron indicates that you are more than one standard deviation above/below the system average; hover to see the average and standard deviation. The second grey block shows how many of the rotation's global Top 25 codes for which you've logged encounters and is a measure of the uniformity of your experience. Click any row to reveal the most frequently-entered codes for that rotation. By default, top codes you've logged will be shown. Use the switch to the right to show top codes from all users in the system for that rotation; an eye icon denotes that you've encountered that code. Note that well-specified codes may be clustered at a higher hierarchical level.

Rotation Patients DIAG PROC DRUG